Dog Days of Summer

13909386_10210376544234971_9193363401282733200_oWe’ll blame our slow productivity the last few weeks on summer. It won’t mind. We’ve been camping out in Eastern Oregon and getting much needed chores done around the old homesteads. This week, we’re back to work.

We’ve still got our horror short story, The Rose Sprite, in the hands of two beta readers. If all goes well, we’ll get it back with any recommended changes, if any, by the end of the week. Eric is working on rewrites to our second New Mother Earth manuscript, Hunters of Gaia. He’ll continue to squeeze in as much writing as his full-time job allows. Nancy is working on our horror novel, The Ocular, set in our fictional town of Riverside. Anne is finishing up chapter twenty-three of our crime thriller, Enoch Rising.

It’s been slow going the last three weeks but with school looming on the horizon and a return to routine, we should see an increase in our productivity. Fingers crossed!

Thanks for sticking with us.

Kind regards,

Anne, Nancy, and Eric

About Litzophreniacs3

The Litzophreniacs3 is a trio of authors collaboratively writing science fiction, horror and paranormal thrillers. Their literary offerings are available on Amazon Kindle Publishing under the pen name Renna Olsen.
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