Amazon Giveaway of The Rose Sprite

Rose Sprite Skull Create Space

Today, Sunday, August 28th, is the final day for our e-copy giveaway of The Rose Sprite, a new horror short story on Amazon. It’s been a long while since we’ve published anything new, so for us, this story is a big deal. Check it out if you’re so inclined. We’d love feedback!

Our work is also available for borrow through Kindle Unlimited.

This week, Eric is working on the final edits of Hunters of Gaia. It’s sitting at just shy of 75,000 words. Nancy is working on edits for Enoch Rising as well as reviewing Eric’s changes to Hunters of Gaia. She wants to finish with Eric’s rewrites and Anne’s new chapters before she jumps back to her own project, The Ocular. That said, she’s almost caught up. Anne is working on chapter 25 of Enoch.

Thanks for your patience and we hope you enjoy reading our new dark fairytale.

Happy Sunday,

Anne, Nancy, and Eric


About Litzophreniacs3

The Litzophreniacs3 is a trio of authors collaboratively writing science fiction, horror and paranormal thrillers. Their literary offerings are available on Amazon Kindle Publishing under the pen name Renna Olsen.
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2 Responses to Amazon Giveaway of The Rose Sprite

  1. WovenEclipse says:

    Great offer! 🙂 I wish it was available in the UK 😦

    • We were unaware that the KDP offer didn’t pop up on the UK site. We have had downloads from countries other than the US so it did go live elsewhere. We do apologize for that and we will raise the issue with Amazon. Thanks for the information. The Litzos

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